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COVID 19 measures

As the Covid 19 pandemic is not yet behind us, we will maintain for the 2021 season the measures recommended during last season.


- Each accommodation has an independent entrance and no equipment is shared with other holidaymakers, thus allowing the "social distancing" recommended by the health authorities (no contact with other holidaymakers).


- The procedure implemented in addition to checking and cleaning the accommodation, includes a protocol for disinfecting the accommodation according to WHO recommendations with bactericidal and virucidal products. The person in charge of this action will wear a mask and gloves.


- As recommended, we have removed all additional linen (only 1 blanket per bed) and limited the number of additional pillows. We can always, if necessary, provide holidaymakers who need it with additional pillows, bolsters or blankets.


- For each bed, we provide you with a disposable bed sheet and disposable pillow protectors. The linen (bedspreads, tea towels, floor mats, mops, etc.) is changed for each tenant.


- The optional rental of linen (sheets and / or towels) is maintained (cleaning carried out by a specialized company)


- Cleaning products are available in the cottage (these will be disinfected and the sponges will be replaced between each holidaymaker)


These measures impact and increase the time needed between each holidaymaker, which is why departure times must be particularly respected (before 10 a.m. and cannot be extended) and arrival times will be shifted if necessary to 5 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. (this additional hour may be necessary for the implementation of this health protocol)

When welcoming customers, we will ensure compliance with barrier gestures and a safety distance of 1 meter

We will carry out the reception procedure on arrival with only one person from the family or group. We will wear a mask and ask the holidaymaker with whom we will do it to put on theirs. We can also allow you to make a "stand-alone" entry.



Réservez vos vacances en toute sécurité,
Modification des dates de séjour ou avoir  valable 18 mois en cas d'annulation imposée
par la crise sanitaire*.



* Modification des dates de séjour ou avoir valable 18 mois en cas de mesures** de confinement avec interdiction de déplacement imposées par le gouvernement , ne permettant pas au voyageur de rejoindre le lieu de séjour à la date prévue  (valable pour tout participant dument inscrit sur le contrat de location).


** Valable uniquement dans le cas ou les "Mesures" sont généralisées et non soumises à la présentation d'un document sanitaire (type "pass sanitaire ou vaccinal" ) en cours de validité.


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